Thursday 5 April 2018

100 Scariest Horror Movie Moments: Top 25

The time has finally come folks, we've reached the top 25 of my scariest horror movie moments. I'll put links at the end to the previous 3 posts on the subject but until then, sit back, relax, and prepare to be spooked..

25. Tele addict- Ringu (1998)

With the curse of the video tape finally broken, Ryuji (Hiroyuki Sanada) feels like he can put himself at ease. However, when his television soon appears to have a mind of his own it soon becomes apparent that the curse may not be broken after all.

24. Clowning around- Poltergeist (1982)

With their daughter Carol Anne (Heather O'Rourke) rescued and their house declared 'clean', the Freeling family can finally put their traumatic experience behind them.. or so they think, as their son Robbie (Oliver Robins) soon finds out the hard way.

23. Silver shamrock- Halloween III: Season of the Witch (1982)

The Silver Shamrock jingle is enough to drive anyone mad, but as little Buddy jr. (Brad Schacter) soon discovers, it's even more sinister than it appears..

22. Kiri kiri- Audition (1999)

On the surface, Asami Yamazaki (Eihi Shiina) is an ordinary young woman. However, her would-be-husband soon discovers that she has something of a dark side about her, with a fondness for needles and piano wire.

21. A waste of good suffering- Hellraiser (1987)

As if discovering that her dead uncle is having an affair with her new stepmother, Kirsty Cotton (Ashley Laurence) faces an even greater horror when she summons the grotesque cenobites.

20. Time to keep your appointment- The Wicker Man (1973)

After rescuing young Rowan Morrison (Geraldine Cowper) from being used as a human sacrifice, Sgt. Howie (Edward Woodward) discovers that he was the intended sacrifice all along, as he soon meets the dreaded wicker man. Uhh so this clip actually isn't on YouTube surprisingly, but you can watch it here.

19. Behind the dumpster at Winkie's- Mulholland Drive (2001)

Following an unsettling dream involving a figure behind the dumpster at Winkie's Diner, Dan (Patrick Fischler) decides to investigate the place himself, only to make a shocking discovery.

18. Itsy bitsy- The Beyond (1981)

While searching the local library for the blueprints of the Seven Doors Hotel, Martin (Michele Mirabella) is flung from a ladder by a mysterious force before being devoured by hungry tarantulas. What a way to go.

17. Going up- Dressed to Kill (1980)

While hastily returning to her one-night-stand's apartment, Kate (Angie Dickinson) decides to take the elevator. She soon learns however, that she just got off at the wrong floor..

16. Splish splash- Shivers (1975)

Betts (Barbara Steele) finds her bath time interrupted by one of the grizzly parasites that has infested her apartment building. Cronenberg really knows how to make your skin crawl doesn't he.

15. O come all ye faithful- Black Christmas (1974)

While Jess (Olivia Hussey) stands at the door of her sorority listening to carol singers, she is unaware that her friend Barb (Margot Kidder) is being violently murdered upstairs with a glass unicorn. Merry Christmas.

14. Under the hood- Don' Look Now (1973)

John Baxter (Donald Sutherland) pursues a mysterious, red-coated figure across the Venetian canals, believing that it is his recently deceased daughter. Upon catching up with the figure however, John soon makes a grim discovery.

13. Grave encounters- Carrie (1976)

While visiting the grave of her recently deceased classmate, Sue Snell (Amy Irving) gets the fright of her life when she grabbed by a figure from beyond the grave.

12. Revenge of the freaks- Freaks (1932)

After learning that trapeze artist Cleopatra (Leila Hyams) was the one poisoning little person Hans (Harry Earles), his sideshow-performing buddies decide to take revenge on her once and for all.

11. Blood test- The Thing (1982)

In order to determine who has been assimilated by the eponymous Thing, MacReady (Kurt Russell) and co. decide to carry out a blood test by exposing each of their blood samples to fire. Needless to say things go from 0 to 100 very quickly.

10. Hammer horror- The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

While investigating the mysterious farmhouse nearby, Kirk (William Vail) comes face to face with the unhinged Leatherface (Gunnar Hansen), who oddly enough does not massacre him with a chainsaw.

9. Karen, sweet Karen- Night of the Living Dead (1968)

After escaping from the bloodthirsty zombies, Helen Cooper (Marilyn Eastman) retreats to the basement where she discovers that her daughter Karen (Kyra Schon) has become one of them. Out of the frying pan, into the fire is right.

8. A little off the top- The Exorcist III (1990)

While doing her rounds in the psychiatric ward where she works, a young nurse soon becomes the next victim of the Gemini killer, who has supposedly returned from beyond the grave.

7. He's behind you- Halloween (1978)

Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) has had a long night, and after seemingly defeating Michael Myers (Nick Castle) once and for all she takes a well deserved breather. But evil never sleeps, as Laurie soon learns.

6. Room 237- The Shining (1980)

After his son is supposedly attacked by a mysterious woman in Room 237, Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson) goes to investigate, only to make a horrific discovery..

5. Spider walk- The Exorcist (1973)

I'd like to point out that this scene was cut from the original film, which is criminal if you ask me as it's by far the films scariest moment. Here, Chris MacNeil (Ellen Burstyn) is scared stiff when her possessed daughter Regan (Linda Blair) comes down the stairs bent backwards.

4. Killer opening- Suspiria (1977)

Pat (Eva Axen) believes that she is safe after fleeing from the Tanz Academy to her friends downtown apartment. However as she soon learns, evil is lurking right outside her window, and it's got a violent disposition.

3. Skinny dipping- Jaws (1975)

While going for a midnight swim just off Amity Island, Chrissie Watkins (Susan Backlinie) is soon attacked by a certain aquatic beast and his iconic theme song.

2. Crawlspace- Alien (1979)

While searching the Nostromo for the bloodthirsty Xenomorph, Captain Dallas (Tom Skerritt) finds himself in the ducts, hoping to send the creature out of the air lock. However, what he doesn't realise is that the Xenomorph is one step ahead of him..

1. Anybody home?- Psycho (1960)

Private Investigator Arbogast (Martin Balsam) enters the brooding Bates house in order to learn more about the disappearance of Marion Crane (Janet Leigh). Of course, we already know what happened to Marion, but what we don't see coming is what awaits Arbogast at the top of the stairs..

Well that's all for now folks, hope you enjoyed this list and I'll be back again next week with more content. If you're looking for the earlier entries, have a little look below:


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